IT & AI Meet Innovation

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Are You Going To Own The Most Profitable Portion Of Your Business 5 Years From Now Or Are You Going To Give It Away?

About us

We offer full stack consulting services that will improve your business and your bottom line more than anyone else in the industry can. Every single member of our team is a full stack generalist. From Python, to SQL, to Javascript, and HTML+CSS, we do it all. Whether you want your own app, want to assess your tech stack, or want to talk AI, we specialize in reducing IT costs, and generating profits from your IT department.

I currently have over 30 books available on Amazon related to every aspect of Artificial Intelligence. From Development, to Mathemetics, to Philosophy. 

I currently offer over 30 courses related to AI and Machine Learning on Udemy. Several of them are 100% free courses. 


Choosing the right tool for the job is crucial for success, and this applies to artificial intelligence (AI) as well. While AI has revolutionized many fields, it's not always the optimal solution. Let's explore a scenario where a rule-based approach might be more suitable than AI.


The Scenario:


Imagine a task involving retrieving specific message sequences from a large CSV file. The desired outcome is deterministic – finding the exact message references based on predefined criteria.


Why AI Might Not Be Ideal:


While AI excels at analyzing data and identifying patterns, it's primarily designed for probabilistic tasks. In this scenario, the outcome is predetermined, leaving no room for AI's strength in probability estimation. Additionally, AI models often struggle with tasks requiring strict adherence to a defined order of operations, similar to how humans find it challenging to remember and execute multiple tasks in a precise sequence.


The Power of Rule-Based Systems:


Traditional rule-based systems, on the other hand, are specifically designed for deterministic tasks. They excel at following defined rules and procedures, making them ideal for retrieving specific information from structured data like a CSV file.


The Synergy of Both Approaches:


However, this doesn't mean AI has no role. Once the desired message sequences are retrieved, AI can be incredibly valuable in analyzing them. Its ability to identify themes, emotions, and underlying details within the retrieved data can provide valuable insights that a rule-based system alone cannot offer.


The Key Takeaway:


Understanding the strengths and limitations of both AI and rule-based systems is crucial for making informed decisions about which approach to use. In this specific scenario, while AI might not be the optimal choice for the initial retrieval task, it can be a powerful tool for further analysis once the desired data is obtained.


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