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About us

We offer full stack consulting services that will improve your business and your bottom line more than anyone else in the industry can. Every single member of our team is a full stack generalist. From Python, to SQL, to Javascript, and HTML+CSS, we do it all. Whether you want your own app, want to assess your tech stack, or want to talk AI, we specialize in reducing IT costs, and generating profits from your IT department.

I currently have over 30 books available on Amazon related to every aspect of Artificial Intelligence. From Development, to Mathemetics, to Philosophy. 

I currently offer over 30 courses related to AI and Machine Learning on Udemy. Several of them are 100% free courses. 


Fine-tuning large language models and other complex neural networks often requires loads of labeled data to achieve excellent performance on specific tasks. But what if labeled data is scarce? Enter ACTIVE FEW-SHOT FINE-TUNING (ITL), an innovative technique that helps models learn effectively even with minimal labeled examples.




ITL reimagines the few-shot fine-tuning process as a type of transductive active learning. Instead of randomly using any available labeled data, ITL strategically selects the most valuable data points to maximize the model's learning within the constraints of your dataset.




To use ITL, you'll need:

  • Pre-trained Model: A large model (like a language model) with a general understanding of your domain.
  • Target Task: The specific task you want your model to excel in.
  • Small Labeled Set: A few examples demonstrating the target task.
  • Unlabeled Data Pool: A larger collection of unlabeled data related to your target task.


The ITL Process

  • Initial Fine-Tuning: Start by fine-tuning the pre-trained model on your small labeled set.
  • Uncertainty Assessment: Feed the unlabeled data to the model and measure its uncertainty on each point.
  • Informative Selection: Use an intelligent strategy to pick those unlabeled data points where the model is most uncertain, as these are likely to provide the most useful information.
  • Labeling: Get the selected data points labeled by human experts
  • Update Fine-Tuning: Fine-tune the model again, using both the original labeled set and the newly labeled data.
  • Repeat: Continue this iterative process of uncertainty assessment, selection, labeling, and fine-tuning.


Why ITL Matters


Efficiency: ITL maximizes the impact of each labeled data point, making it valuable when labeling is expensive or time-consuming.

Improved Performance: By intelligently focusing on the most informative data, ITL often leads to better results on the target task compared to standard fine-tuning with limited data.


The research paper "ACTIVE FEW-SHOT FINE-TUNING" ( provides theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of ITL. If you're facing limitations with labeled data, this technique is definitely worth exploring!


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